This event is an opportunity to learn about and provide input on several sites possible for the Southern Iowa Trolley Administration and Maintenance Facility.

Date:  Thursday, February 27, 2025

Time:   1:00 – 2:00 pm

Location:  Southern Iowa Trolley Office

215 E. Montgomery Street, Creston

Room:  Conference Room

 The purpose of the February 27th public meeting is to discuss the project and proposed improvements with the community, answer questions, and gather community input before making decisions.

 If you are unable to attend the open meeting and would like to submit comments, comments will be taken through February 27th at email: [email protected]?subject=Public Comments - Building Sites

Please click on Link below for the Title VI Equity Analysis!

Please click on link below for the Southern Iowa Trolley

Press Release

For Immediate Release                                                                                                                                


Southern Iowa Trolley Awarded Grant for Facility

 CRESTON, IOWA – The Federal Transportation Administration (FTA) announced Monday the Iowa DOT has been awarded a grant for Low- or No-Emission buses and facilities, which includes $1.6 million for Southern Iowa Trolley to build a facility. This grant is funded by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.

Southern Iowa Trolley has provided transit services for over 40 years and is one of two transit systems in Iowa without its own transit facility. The lack of adequate maintenance facility, extreme weather, and inability to provide indoor bus parking all contribute to disrepair. The facility will allow Southern Iowa Trolley to protect and maintain our fleet and convert excessive expenses into services.

 The Low and No Emission grant focused on projects which are eco-friendly, reduce greenhouse gases and use clean energy. The facility is expected to use recycled rainwater, solar energy, geothermal heating and cooling systems, and include electric vehicle charging stations.

 Southern Iowa Trolley’s Transit Director, Leesa Lester said, “I am grateful for all of the support from our communities, and the people we serve. This facility will allow us to protect our vehicles, reduce our carbon footprint, and provide a safe working environment for our employees. We appreciate the support of the FTA, the Iowa DOT, and the Biden administration for making this project possible. We would also like to thank the Southern Iowa Trolley Board and all elected officials for recognizing transportation as a necessary investment in our small communities.”

 Through the FY22 Low- and No-Emission and Bus and Bus Facilities grants, the FTA has awarded $1.66 billion in projects where American workers will build more than 1,800 new buses to support transit nationwide. The funding supports 150 projects for people and communities in forty-eight states and territories.